View Menu

Full screen

Toggles full screen mode. Hit the escape key (or any unassigned key) to exit full screen mode.

Fit Pattern

Resets the view so the entire pattern is visible.


Toggles between a wireframe or surface view.

Patterns Pane

If ticked then the Patterns Pane will be visible.

Info Pane

If ticked then the Info Pane will be visible.

Help Pane

If ticked then the Help Pane will be visible.

File Toolbar

If ticked then the File Toolbar will be visible.

Action Toolbar

If ticked then the Action Toolbar will be visible.

Paint Toolbar

If ticked then the Paint Toolbar will be visible.

Restore Default Layout

Restores the original window layout.

Change Active Chemical

Brings up a dialog so you can select which chemical will be used for rendering.

View Full Kernel

For formula-based rules, shows the expanded OpenCL kernel that is created internally.

Show OpenCL Diagnostics...

Displays information about all the available OpenCL devices.